...and my reaction to them.
Since we canceled cable, my husband and I watch a lot more movies together, and while that sounds sweet, it really isn't. At least with cable, we both agreed on the History channel... The thing is, Dustin and I have completely different tastes in movies. He likes action, bang-bang shoot 'em up movies, and if there are cars, even better. I, on the other hand, have a different set of criteria that makes a good movie, which is pretty much the opposite of his. This is basically movies he has made me watch, and my reaction to them. I may or may not be spoiling them for you, but honestly, I don't exactly recommend them anyway. ;)
Fight Club
What my husband said to convince me to watch it: "What?!?! You've NEVER seen Fight Club???? You HAVE to see it! No I can't tell you what it's about! It's against the rules... But don't worry, you'll like it."
My reaction: "Hmm...weird...that's dumb...why do they want to fight???...umm, why are they making soap?...wait- why are doing that...Seriously? That guy was the dude the whole time?? That's dumb."
I give it 2 stars out of 5
My husband will read this, and will be infuriated all over again. Insulting Fight Club is like insulting the male species. Apparently.
What my husband said to convince me to watch it: "You'll like it... it's about a guy who saves a girl."
My reaction: "So... the guy is a spy...? Wait...why is doing that? Why is everyone getting shot? Who is the girl again? And you're sure the guy isn't a spy?" Repeat that throughout the whole movie. I still can't tell you what it's about- maybe I could've paid a little more attention.
I give it 1 star out of 5
Death Race
What my husband said to convince me to watch it: "You'll like it... "
My reaction: "Why are he in prison? Why do they race? You can't really race in prison...can you? Seriously, this is so fake. The state of California would never let you race to get out prison... well, it is California. Why are they trying to kill each other?! (To which my husband replied, "Uh, babe... it's called Death Race. What the hell did you think they'd try to do? Touche.)"
I give it 1 1/2 stars out of 5
The Punisher
What my husband said to convince me to watch it: "You'll like it. He really is a good guy."
My reaction: "This is boring... ahh! They shot his kid! This is a HORRIBLE movie. Wait, what is he doing now? This is boring. Hmm... it's set in Tampa Bay. I wonder if it was really filmed in Tampa Bay. This is boring. Oh! They have Bay News 9 on here, it MUST be filmed in Tampa. This is boring. This is dumb. Why is there so much gore?! That's it? That's the end? DUMB."
Um... I give it a half a star...?
Lord of War
What my husband said to convince me to watch it: "You'll like it. It has a real redemptive story."
My reaction: "Eww, why did they have to show that in the first scene?! Wow, lots of shooting already. Lots of shooting. Oh, and cocaine. More shooting and cocaine. Ahh, man! Do they HAVE to show us that?! More shooting? How does his wife not know?! Oh, now she does. Hmm... it's getting interesting. *looking up the true story on wiki* Oh, great, more shooting. Well, that's a good idea- this guy is kinda smart."
I give it 3 1/2 stars out of 5. It was actually pretty good, but not something I'd watch over and over.
What my husband said to convince me to watch it: "You'll like it... he's a really good guy."
My reaction: "I'm not going to like it... wait, why is he arrested? The guy broke into HIS house. Seriously? He's going to prison? Wouldn't it just be manslaughter charges? Okay, I'll shut up. Wait, does that really happen in prison? Does that really happen in prison? Do they really do that in prison?! You really have to do that in prison?! That's horrible. No wonder people come out of prison worse off than before. Why is he doing that? Why are the guards doing that? Is he going to get out of prison?! Ah, okay, I'm glad he's home."
I give it 2 stars out of 5
The Bourne Trilogy
What my husband said to convince me to watch it: "You'll like it." (Do you see a pattern here?)
My reaction: Basically, I was too sucked into the movies to even have one. :)
5 stars out of 5. Success!
Disclaimer: Obviously, I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to these movies (obviously.) So, basically, if I get some of the details wrong, I'm sorry. You get the general idea though. ;)
Monday, July 30, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Scripture Memory Verses
As I've mentioned before, this is our first year "officially" homeschooling. As I was searching for different ways to incorporate scripture memory into our curriculum, I came across Simply Charlotte Mason's scripture memory system. I love it! Basically, you use 3"x5" index cards, dividers, and an index card box to organize the verses. You can read more about the details at their website, and once I get mine put together I will post it here.
On Simply Charlotte Mason, they have a list of suggested verses for each year that correspond with their History modules, which is where I got mine from. Unfortunately, they only have what verses to use, rather than having them written out for you to print, so I spent most of naptime today copying and pasting the verses into a template I made. Module 1 has a total of 33 verses, all from the NAB translation, and is ready to be printed onto index cards. These cards could also be used on a binder ring, or as flash cards... if you have any other ideas for them, I'd love to hear them!
Click here to download the Module 1 Scripture Memory Verse pack! Enjoy!
On Simply Charlotte Mason, they have a list of suggested verses for each year that correspond with their History modules, which is where I got mine from. Unfortunately, they only have what verses to use, rather than having them written out for you to print, so I spent most of naptime today copying and pasting the verses into a template I made. Module 1 has a total of 33 verses, all from the NAB translation, and is ready to be printed onto index cards. These cards could also be used on a binder ring, or as flash cards... if you have any other ideas for them, I'd love to hear them!
Click here to download the Module 1 Scripture Memory Verse pack! Enjoy!
charlotte mason,
free printable,
scripture study
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Blowing Bubbles Sucks
There are some awesome parts of being a mom... things that lift your heart and make your spirit soar. The first time you hear your child says, "I love you, Mommy." Hearing a small, sweet "Hail Mary" escape their lips. Watching them learn how to ride a bike. All awesome moments in the life of a mom.
But... there are other things. Things that suck. We avoid them, bargin with our kids to get out of doing them, and we've been known to flat out ban them. We all have them; here's my top ten list:
10.) Reading dumb books.
Don't get me wrong- I LOVE to read. There is fantastic literature for kids out there, and I can't resist the classics like Where The Wild Things Are or I'll Love You Forever. We visit our local library at least once a week, and we read several books a day. So, you might ask, why is reading books on the list? Because I'm not talking about just any books... I'm talking about silly, illogical, dumbed down books. Books that read like an afterschool special (And it was okay Johnny forgot to wear his lucky socks to the race because everyone is a winner), books written specifically to promote a character or movie (ahem, Cars, Disney Princess, Marvel... I'm looking at you), books that promote a political agenda (why?! WHY?!), and books that are just plain boring. Now, normally if he picks these out at the library, I make him put them back. But, I guarantee you the days I don't play book nazi, I will be stuck for the following week reading that crap.
9.) Going to the park in the summer.
I'll be honest: I don't love the park. I like watching my kids play, and I love that they love the park. But me? I could take it or leave it. Except in the summer... then I have to muster up a fake smile when the big one asks to go to the playground, when really, all I want to say is, "Um, maybe you're not aware but the ground feels like LAVA and I'm pretty sure if I stay in this heat and humidity any longer I will have an afro and turn red like a lobster. And I'm almost positive that an afro on the koolaid man is not a good look for me." But the alternative is staying inside, in our tiny house and that equals messes. BIG messes. So, off to the park it is.
8.) Feeding a baby
I know, I know, I know... this is like mommy-blasphemy. I really can't stand it though- the grabbing the spoon, blowing raspberries after a big bite of oatmeal, the nasty smell of jarred food. I'm pretty sure that the woman who came up with Baby Led Weaning felt the same way.
7.) Watching dumb movies and/or tv shows
5.) Toys that have removable pieces
Have you ever stepped on a Lego, or a Barbie shoe?
Then you understand. I recently stepped on some leg shields that came off of a knock-off Optimus Prime. While carrying the sleeping baby. I cried.
4.) Public restrooms
I could develop and prove a scientific theory about the attraction young children have to pooping in public restrooms. It's a fact: the smaller, dirtier, and smellier the restroom, the more urgently they will feel the need to relieve themselves.
3.) Cry rooms at church
Willy Wonka had a better group of children touring his factory, than the average church has sitting in it's cry room. Seriously- what gives? I have had to use a cry room only a few times in the 4+ years I've been taking a child to church, but every time it made me want to bang my head against a wall.
2.) Blowing bubbles
Ah, yes... bubbles. They're mesmerizing and beautiful, and as Paul Rudd's character in Knocked Up says, "I wish I loved anything as much as my kid loves bubbles." Unfortunately, blowing bubbles ranks up there as one of my least favorite things. The tedious, repetitiveness of it drives me crazy. Insert bubble wand, remove bubble wand, blow bubbles, get bubble liquid all down your arm, splatter bubble liquid all over yourself, replace wand, start again. Maybe it's just me, but bubble time always ends up with me wearing soapy water and someone spilling the giant bottle of Miracle Bubbles on accident.
1.) It goes by way too fast
I know, cliche... but it's so true. I'm pretty sure I was pregnant with the large one yesterday, and now? He's a giant that is able to hold full conversations with me. The tiny one, well, he isn't so tiny anymore. He's going to be one, and typing that makes tears well up in my eyes. How did this happen? And how do I make it stop? The thing is- I would read dumb books, in a public restroom, while blowing bubbles if it meant I could freeze time and have one more today.
There you have it... my ten things I hate. What's on your list?
But... there are other things. Things that suck. We avoid them, bargin with our kids to get out of doing them, and we've been known to flat out ban them. We all have them; here's my top ten list:
10.) Reading dumb books.
Don't get me wrong- I LOVE to read. There is fantastic literature for kids out there, and I can't resist the classics like Where The Wild Things Are or I'll Love You Forever. We visit our local library at least once a week, and we read several books a day. So, you might ask, why is reading books on the list? Because I'm not talking about just any books... I'm talking about silly, illogical, dumbed down books. Books that read like an afterschool special (And it was okay Johnny forgot to wear his lucky socks to the race because everyone is a winner), books written specifically to promote a character or movie (ahem, Cars, Disney Princess, Marvel... I'm looking at you), books that promote a political agenda (why?! WHY?!), and books that are just plain boring. Now, normally if he picks these out at the library, I make him put them back. But, I guarantee you the days I don't play book nazi, I will be stuck for the following week reading that crap.
9.) Going to the park in the summer.
I'll be honest: I don't love the park. I like watching my kids play, and I love that they love the park. But me? I could take it or leave it. Except in the summer... then I have to muster up a fake smile when the big one asks to go to the playground, when really, all I want to say is, "Um, maybe you're not aware but the ground feels like LAVA and I'm pretty sure if I stay in this heat and humidity any longer I will have an afro and turn red like a lobster. And I'm almost positive that an afro on the koolaid man is not a good look for me." But the alternative is staying inside, in our tiny house and that equals messes. BIG messes. So, off to the park it is.
8.) Feeding a baby
![]() |
Lane at about 18 months |
I know, I know, I know... this is like mommy-blasphemy. I really can't stand it though- the grabbing the spoon, blowing raspberries after a big bite of oatmeal, the nasty smell of jarred food. I'm pretty sure that the woman who came up with Baby Led Weaning felt the same way.
7.) Watching dumb movies and/or tv shows
Calliou- 'nuff said.
Yo Dawg- I heard you like boxes in yo boxes! |
6.) Juice Boxes
A childless person invented these; that is the only explanation as to why these seemingly genius drink holders will cover a child in sticky juice, at the slightest squeeze. Yes, I know they have juice box boxes, but it's ridiculous that one would need a box for a box. 5.) Toys that have removable pieces
Have you ever stepped on a Lego, or a Barbie shoe?
Then you understand. I recently stepped on some leg shields that came off of a knock-off Optimus Prime. While carrying the sleeping baby. I cried.
4.) Public restrooms
I could develop and prove a scientific theory about the attraction young children have to pooping in public restrooms. It's a fact: the smaller, dirtier, and smellier the restroom, the more urgently they will feel the need to relieve themselves.
3.) Cry rooms at church
Willy Wonka had a better group of children touring his factory, than the average church has sitting in it's cry room. Seriously- what gives? I have had to use a cry room only a few times in the 4+ years I've been taking a child to church, but every time it made me want to bang my head against a wall.
2.) Blowing bubbles
Ah, yes... bubbles. They're mesmerizing and beautiful, and as Paul Rudd's character in Knocked Up says, "I wish I loved anything as much as my kid loves bubbles." Unfortunately, blowing bubbles ranks up there as one of my least favorite things. The tedious, repetitiveness of it drives me crazy. Insert bubble wand, remove bubble wand, blow bubbles, get bubble liquid all down your arm, splatter bubble liquid all over yourself, replace wand, start again. Maybe it's just me, but bubble time always ends up with me wearing soapy water and someone spilling the giant bottle of Miracle Bubbles on accident.
1.) It goes by way too fast
I know, cliche... but it's so true. I'm pretty sure I was pregnant with the large one yesterday, and now? He's a giant that is able to hold full conversations with me. The tiny one, well, he isn't so tiny anymore. He's going to be one, and typing that makes tears well up in my eyes. How did this happen? And how do I make it stop? The thing is- I would read dumb books, in a public restroom, while blowing bubbles if it meant I could freeze time and have one more today.
There you have it... my ten things I hate. What's on your list?
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Works For Me Wednesday: Stain Remover
My kids are messy... like really messy. But, I don't really mind- except when it comes to their clothes. I can't stand to see their cute clothes ruined because they ate some strawberries.
Here is what you need for my fool-proof, never fail stain remover:
A bar of Fels-Naptha (in the laundry section at Wal-Mart for about a buck)
Oxy Clean
A sunny place
Get the garment wet with cold water (definitely NOT hot), and then rub the Fels-Naptha into the stain, until you have a nice lather. Sprinkle oxy-clean on top, and rub into the stain, forming a grainy (almost) paste. Let sit for 10-15 minutes and then throw in the wash. When the item is washed, if the stain is still there (the Fels-Naptha and oxy clean may have taken care of it), lay outside in a sunny area. Viola! That adorable jumper from Gymboree is saved...for now. ;)
Here is what you need for my fool-proof, never fail stain remover:
A bar of Fels-Naptha (in the laundry section at Wal-Mart for about a buck)
Oxy Clean
A sunny place
Get the garment wet with cold water (definitely NOT hot), and then rub the Fels-Naptha into the stain, until you have a nice lather. Sprinkle oxy-clean on top, and rub into the stain, forming a grainy (almost) paste. Let sit for 10-15 minutes and then throw in the wash. When the item is washed, if the stain is still there (the Fels-Naptha and oxy clean may have taken care of it), lay outside in a sunny area. Viola! That adorable jumper from Gymboree is saved...for now. ;)
Monday, July 23, 2012
A Special Moment Between Mother and Son
Actual conversation between my son and I today, while we were playing on the floor.
Lane: *takes big sniff* What's that smell? Are you cooking peas and carrots?!
Me: Um, no. Your brother just pooped in his diaper... that's what you're smelling.
Lane: *disappointed look* Ohh... *takes another sniff* Well, can you make peas and carrots?!
For the record, I don't think I've ever once made peas and carrots, and I can assure you that I will not be making peas and carrots for a long time.
(For those of you who only have little girls, I apologize. I feel like I should make the disclaimer that this isn't nearly the grossest thing he has done or said... ah, the joys of being a boy-mom.)
Lane: *takes big sniff* What's that smell? Are you cooking peas and carrots?!
Me: Um, no. Your brother just pooped in his diaper... that's what you're smelling.
Lane: *disappointed look* Ohh... *takes another sniff* Well, can you make peas and carrots?!
For the record, I don't think I've ever once made peas and carrots, and I can assure you that I will not be making peas and carrots for a long time.
(For those of you who only have little girls, I apologize. I feel like I should make the disclaimer that this isn't nearly the grossest thing he has done or said... ah, the joys of being a boy-mom.)
Sunday, July 22, 2012
2012-2013 School Plans
Can I let my inner-nerd out, for just a second? I have something I want to say...
Okay. I feel better. :)
Since a young age, I've loved the beginning of the school year. The anticipation of the changes to come, as fall is ushered in. It's a wonderful time of year... my favorite, actually.
Since the birth of my eldest, Lane, I have looked forward to his first day of kindergarten. Dressing him in crisp, new clothes, sending him off on the big yellow bus, with a backpack full of freshly sharpened pencils and wide ruled paper. Well, there won't be any bus, but there will be plenty of fresh school supplies (ahhh... nerd heaven!)
This will be our first year of officially homeschooling. I am excited, terrified, bewildered, and am in serious planning mode. Lane will be starting kindy curriculum, but I'll be calling his grade level K4, because I haven't decided yet if I want him to be a year ahead.
Here is what we are planning, so far:
Okay. I feel better. :)
Since a young age, I've loved the beginning of the school year. The anticipation of the changes to come, as fall is ushered in. It's a wonderful time of year... my favorite, actually.
Since the birth of my eldest, Lane, I have looked forward to his first day of kindergarten. Dressing him in crisp, new clothes, sending him off on the big yellow bus, with a backpack full of freshly sharpened pencils and wide ruled paper. Well, there won't be any bus, but there will be plenty of fresh school supplies (ahhh... nerd heaven!)
This will be our first year of officially homeschooling. I am excited, terrified, bewildered, and am in serious planning mode. Lane will be starting kindy curriculum, but I'll be calling his grade level K4, because I haven't decided yet if I want him to be a year ahead.
Here is what we are planning, so far:
- Phonics
- I will probably just check out some readers from the library for Lane. We're working on Learn to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, so I'm hoping he will be reading by the end of summer or early fall.
- Math
- I really wanted to do Math-U-See, but it is SO expensive. I will be trying to do the same type of program, minus the cost. I'm thinking about making some DIY manipulatives and games, so stay tuned for those blog posts... ;)
- Science
- Seton Science 1, purchased for dirt cheap at a homeschool book sale, combined with living books and science experiments. We are also doing Nature Study once a week.
- History
- We will be starting Module 1, from SimplyCharlotteMason.com. I also felt it was important we cover at least some American history, so we will be covering the early Native Americans until about Jamestown.
- Religion
- Seton
KindergartenPre-Kindergarten Religion, combined with reading living books on the Saints and Bible stories. We will also work on learning several prayers through out the year. (When we attended the IHM Conference, we compared the Pre-K and Kindergarten texts and decided that the Pre-K would be more appropriate for Lane. The Kindergarten book was very similar to the Baltimore Catechism, which we already have.) - Spanish
- My mom, who is a native speaker, will be coming over once a week to read a Spanish book, and introduce vocabulary, etc. I will reinforce the vocab throughout the week.
- Art
- We will be doing Charlotte Mason style artist studies.
- Music
- Hopefully, we are looking for affordable violin or piano lessons for Lane. I would really love for him to take Suzuki violin lessons. We will also be doing a hymn studies throughout the school year.
- Reading
- I am working on a long list of books we will be reading, but that will be a whole 'nother post.
back to school,
Friday, July 20, 2012
Here Goes Nothing
This is the obligatory introductory post... I'll try not to make it too boring. ;)
I am a twenty-something wife and mother of two. Both my kids are boys, so I am up to my ears in camo, dinosaurs, trucks, and dirt. Lane is my oldest, he's four and a half, and Mckinley is 10 months old. My husband used to work in EMS, but now he is a youth minister. We are a devout Catholic family, and I (with God's amazing grace) try to instill our faith in our children.
I stay home with the kids, and we will begin homeschooling in the fall. We recently moved across the country, which makes the whole keeping-my-sanity-while-being-cooped-up-with-kids-and-not-knowing-anyone thing a lot harder. But, I have been extremely blessed to have already met some wonderful ladies that have young kids too, that share my values. It really does make a difference when you have a support group, and it's nice to finally have that. I also live within a few miles of most of my mother's side of the family, which is great. My kids love seeing Grandma and Grandpa (and Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa, plus everyone else!), and I feel so fortunate that they are developing a relationship.
In my spare time (what's that again?), I like toplay on facebook, pin craft ideas I'll never do read, sew, cook, craft... watch Doctor Who and Steel Magnolias on Netflix, while drinking a glass of Shiraz.
So here it goes... my (mis)adventures. Stay tuned!
I am a twenty-something wife and mother of two. Both my kids are boys, so I am up to my ears in camo, dinosaurs, trucks, and dirt. Lane is my oldest, he's four and a half, and Mckinley is 10 months old. My husband used to work in EMS, but now he is a youth minister. We are a devout Catholic family, and I (with God's amazing grace) try to instill our faith in our children.
I stay home with the kids, and we will begin homeschooling in the fall. We recently moved across the country, which makes the whole keeping-my-sanity-while-being-cooped-up-with-kids-and-not-knowing-anyone thing a lot harder. But, I have been extremely blessed to have already met some wonderful ladies that have young kids too, that share my values. It really does make a difference when you have a support group, and it's nice to finally have that. I also live within a few miles of most of my mother's side of the family, which is great. My kids love seeing Grandma and Grandpa (and Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa, plus everyone else!), and I feel so fortunate that they are developing a relationship.
In my spare time (what's that again?), I like to
So here it goes... my (mis)adventures. Stay tuned!
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