Friday, July 20, 2012

Here Goes Nothing

This is the obligatory introductory post... I'll try not to make it too boring.  ;)

I am a twenty-something wife and mother of two.  Both my kids are boys, so I am up to my ears in camo, dinosaurs, trucks, and dirt.  Lane is my oldest, he's four and a half, and Mckinley is 10 months old.  My husband used to work in EMS, but now he is a youth minister.  We are a devout Catholic family, and I (with God's amazing grace) try to instill our faith in our children. 

I stay home with the kids, and we will begin homeschooling in the fall.  We recently moved across the country, which makes the whole keeping-my-sanity-while-being-cooped-up-with-kids-and-not-knowing-anyone thing a lot harder.  But, I have been extremely blessed to have already met some wonderful ladies that have young kids too, that share my values.  It really does make a difference when you have a support group, and it's nice to finally have that.  I also live within a few miles of most of my mother's side of the family, which is great.  My kids love seeing Grandma and Grandpa (and Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa, plus everyone else!), and I feel so fortunate that they are developing a relationship.

In my spare time (what's that again?), I like to play on facebook, pin craft ideas I'll never do read, sew, cook, craft... watch Doctor Who and Steel Magnolias on Netflix, while drinking a glass of Shiraz. 

So here it goes... my (mis)adventures.  Stay tuned!


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